Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas! Check out whats coming....

 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

So much been getting done. You know I don't like to post the updates here anymore because I don't want to tip off our competitors.

I used to think that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I was wrong. Imitating and making it like you actually invented something new is insulting and both being flattered and being insulted are distractions and play to the weaknesses of the ego.

Still, I can't leave you with nothing right?  Here's where we are at, mostly:

Yesterday we fixed up the court search really nice so it is now multiple predicate. Try it.  Type in SUPREME QUEENS and you get them all instead of just SUPREME or QUEENS which could pull way too many and make you scroll a list that was too long.

We are adding new agencies to the hub that are NOT LDMax customers but you will be able to send and receive work from them anyway. We already have this with Provest, Guaranteed and Lawgix but there are some new players and I don't want to announce it until its all going good and smooth.

A better language (Flutter) came out for mobile apps that makes one code base work on IPhone and Android. Both apps are being re-done as I write this and they will be much easier to maintain with a single code base.

Several customers have leveraged our new custom fast job entry forms for their clients - designed to separate the client from their work as fast as possible:

They can even be done for other job types:

Several new high volume law firms have data links with LDMax - in those circles, mentioning that you use LDMax and can do high volume data and document links with all platforms might get you an opportunity.

XFDF forms have been enhanced for California and also for the new NY Consumer Credit Transaction forms. The program knows when to print them and when not to print them. It's hot.

The program is being shifted back to its old core architecture of being one big giant web service. That will allow different front-ends to be used. What's that mean? It means customers can enjoy the web app and there will also be a Windows app that can be used for customers that like Windows. I miss having a Windows app  - we have the old ldwin5 app but that's not as simple and easy as LDMax. Look for a simple easy and FAST LDMax windows app that works in tandem with LDMax.

We have 2 REALLY high volume agencies on Manticore/Sphinx search engine and its been working good for a coupla years now. I'm working a way to automate this for all of our customers because the speed is crazy sub-second fast no matter how many millions of jobs you have in it. I'm particularly excited about this one as it also offloads so much of the processing. Done correctly, a $150 computer can and does perform like a $4000+ computer. Watch for this one, you'll be seeing it in your command centers.

We have also slowed down taking on new customers so that we can better serve our existing customers. Especially you higher volume shops, your customizations along with a massive surge in your volume keep us pretty busy and funded and leaves us in a position to be selective about which new customers we pick up so we dont have to move in too many directions taking on all comers. Picked up a new customer yesterday and probably won't be taking any more until mid-Jan, early Feb. Hate to turn away the work but sometimes thats what you have to do to focus on your base and keep doing next-level quality work.

2023 gonna be a good year around here, you'll hear about if you're an LDMax user but you wont be hearing everything in this public blog.

Text Cleaning On Data Entry

We have added a feature to all fields of the new case, new defendant and new address screens that clean up special characters so... if you c...